Monday, February 22, 2010

Birthday Party, Baking Et Weekend

Ok, so I threw a suprise birthday party for my bestie, Abby!! We did facials and made pizza and drank Hawaiian Punch and Sprite till our hearts content!! I made some simple white cupcakes with blue frosting and a pink 'A' on each one!! Just to make sure I had enough food, I served Brown Sugar Chews (like blond brownies), chips and dip, and carrots and ranch. Lets just say I ate my share of things... :D So we had a blast and stayed up till almost 4 and slept in till at least 9:30!!!!

So on Valentines Day I made shortbread cookies in shapes of hearts and iced them!!! They were really good!! Who knew butter, flour and sugar could be soooooo good!?!?
Here are a couple pics....
Sat. night me and my dad went to go pick up my little sister from a friends house. We ended up staying for dinner!!! It was really good!! When I went upstair to where Millie and Sage were hanging out, Millie thrust some sparkles on me and immediately began giving me a makeover!! The sparkles ended up being really hard to get off, but it was really fun!!

Ok, ttyl!!
Mimi Elise