Saturday, January 23, 2010

Last night, we had some people over for dinner and that was blast!! We played the Wii and the game Balderdash! It was really fun! We had burritos and they were yummy to the max!! Haha.....

Then my and my sisters watched my new fav. TV show, The Office!! I love Dwight!! And Jim. And Pam. Well Jim and Pam 2gether.... I can't wait till Glee starts showing again, and I CANNOT wait until LOST shows!! Agg! I'm flippin out inside. Sort of. I love Jack and Charlie (he is totally going to come back, i mean with them showing his ring and his guitar in the last season, come on!!). Enough about TV Shows.....

Ok, so whats your favorite movie or TV Show? Or your favorite YouTube Channel?

Let me know!

Cya guys!!
Mimi Elise


Aubrey said...

hi! I just read you blog and I will keep reading it! Don't think you have no viewers, cuz you do! I am 13 and a girl. you can read my blog, but it stinks, and is sooo outdated cuz i haven't wrote in it for months.

That Blond Guy said...

Yet another total stranger: (Two on one post it seems.)

The Office is hilarious and Glee is just...meh.

My favorite shows would have to be either Psych, Modern Family, Pushing Daisies, The Office, T--okay, I'm not allowed to have this many favorite shows, am I?

Cool blog!