Monday, February 2, 2009


Hey Guys!
I want to share with you guys some of my favorite music - comment me and tell me some of your favorite music too!

I go through phases.....but right now I am loving the songs:

I'm Yours - James Mraz

Tim Mcgraw - Taylor Swift

Something Changed - Sara Groves

Lose My Soul - TobyMac

Love Story - Taylor Swift 

Soon, these will probably change to different songs...haha




Lauren said...

I like the Sara Groves song too. And I don't particulary LIKE lovestory but it's just so catchy!! dang it!

Mimi Elise said...

yeah i know!! the lyrics are pretty dumb but i really like the tune - it is catchy!

Abby♥ said...

mimi- i thought you hated tim mcgraw. haha