Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Fever (and, of course, Saint Paddys Day)

I've the term a lot. But I wasn't exactly sure what it heres a definition from A feeling of restlessness, excitement, or laziness brought on by the coming of spring.

So, thats how I feel right now. And its only March! I can't imagine what April and May are going to be like! I can't wait for sunny days, bathing suits, beach trips, and last but certainly not least, NO SCHOOL!! Its not that I don't enjoy learning or anything, its just that as the year progresses, my interest in my subjects decrease. And I can't help thinking of highschool that I'm going to next year.

Hmmm...still not sure where I'm going. I have to places to choose from. Public or Private. We need to receive some financial aid from the private highschool. I really leaning towards the public highschool for various reason. Ok enough about me!! Because blogging is never just about you, its about everyone else. Right. Blogging is soooo just about you. (as in me!). Confused.....

Ok, so Saint Paddys Day is today. And I know your dying to hear an amazingly interesting fact about it. Here we go.

So did you know that St. Patrick's favorite color was actually blue? Not many people in Ireland loved it. It wasn't until the 19th century that it became the official color! Crazy stuff, huh?

Well I did absolutely nothing for this special day. (I did read a book about St. Patrick though!) I was going to make cookies and put green icing on them but I went to a friends house and jumped on the trampoline and hung out. I did, in fact, where green!! Woohoo!! Green shirt and green flip flops. 2 Stars!! Yeah!

What is your favorite part of St. Patricks day? And what do you do to celebrate it?


Abby said...

i hope that deciding where to go to highschool goes well!

thumbs up on wearing green!! haha. i didn't- well, i had a tiny bit of green on my shorts.

:) I totally have spring fever 2. but its really depressing and rainy and gray outside right now--- uggh! now it is officially spring!! yessss