Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend Update

Hey Guys!!

Wow - yesterday morning I could  barely get legs are killing me!! Its from the ice skating im sure - but wow.....ouch.....

So, yesterday I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic.
I LOVED it!!! It was so cute!!! I loved most of her clothes but I don't like the way she combined them....this movie makes me want to go out and shop! Haha....anywho - i recommend it! It was really cute!
Here is a collage. 
I'll post pics of my fav. items later.....

After the movie, I went a youth church service with a friend.  Its called Verge.  I really enjoyed it - it was really fun!!

Oh, yesterday I changed rooms/ I am in the purple room.
Its.....well....lets just say not what I was anticipating....ugg

but anyway - i am about to leave for church!


~ Mimi Elise


Anonymous said...

collage= special
it wasn't that great though- she had a terrible sense of what matched and what didn't! :D
love you!

Abby♥ said...

haha- i agree with maddie. I like some of her clothes, but not the way she put them together. but it looks like a really cute movie. i wanna see it some time.

Mimi Elise said...

yeah! she needs help with matching - but i love some of her like...items... :P

I really like Isla Fisher now! shes gonna get big from this movie i hope!